In my humble opinion and based on my breadth of experience examining the behavior of dogs for the past 40 plus years, I think dogs fall into 3 general categories (I think people fall into the same categories btw). These categories are COCKTAIL PARTY DOG, DINNER PARTY DOG AND INTIMATE DINNER PARTY DOG. I happen to have one of each! What with the holidays approaching, what better time to bring up the party dog categories!
Today's discussion is on Dog Type # 1:
1. Cocktail Party Dog
Cocktail party dogs like everyone and everything. The quintessential dog park pal this dog enjoys playing hard and often -- if another dog doesn't like the party dog, oh well, off to find a more amenable pal. Party in the house, wow, this dog likes to meet and greet wagging and wiggling. A dog might start out as a party dog and change, but in my experience, party dogs usually stay party dogs unless they experience a trauma.
My dog Trip is a total cocktail party dog. He loves other dogs and puppies, cats, turtles, LOVES LOVES LOVES babies, especially in car seats, toddlers, kids and adults. He is charming and popular!
Trip has been a cocktail party dog pretty much all of his 6 1/4 years.
Next installment: Dinner Party Dog (stay tuned)