Saturday, June 27, 2009

What if dogs had cell phones?

I finally broke down last month and maxed out my cell phone plan with the number of phone lines by getting my youngest daughter, 10 year old Sophie, her own phone. Within a week or two of that I was convinced by my gaggle of girls to modify the plan so we could do unlimited texting to ease communication as their summer plans include increased independence. Sophie texted me at 7 pm on Thursday June 25 asking me "Did you know Michael Jackson died?" The reported news of The King of Pop's tragic death was less than an hour old and she was out at her job walking a dog!

I have taught service dog pups to carry cell phones, I have heard tell of dogs who have swallowed cell phones whole, but what if dogs could increase their communication skills from the Twilight Barking a la 101 DALMATIONS and make calls, send texts..heck, why not teach them how to Tweet on Twitter? What would they say?


Rachael Kinstlinger said...

I've always been curious what my dog would say to me if he could literally speak english. Would it be along the lines of "Thanks for such a fab life" or "Ok, this is what you really could never do again"? Either way I'd like to know, but thinking on it seriously could be a reality check for a lot of people who don't spend much time thinking about how their dogs think and feel.
Rachael Kinstlinger

Rachel Friedman said...

If the dog is a teenager, like Cooper, he's probably rolling his eyes when you aren't looking and going, "is that all?"! Although I know you have made it clear by your commitment to him that he knows how deeply he's desired and how happy he is to please.

Kasey at Thrifty Little Blog said...

That picture is beyond cute! I'm sure if my dog had the choice, she'd be ringing my phone off the hook while I'm at work asking me to come home :).

Anonymous said...

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